

昨日,独立测评机构蓝莓评测发布了一篇题为 《五星级酒店,你们为什么不换床单?》的微信推送,称对北京地区5家五星级酒店做了测试,结果发现了一些“不得了的问题”,并有视频为证。




看来,无论什么档次的酒店都没法放心住了… 怎么办?要不,出国旅游吧?


国外调查栏目Inside Edition在去年曾经使用了与蓝莓测评类似的作隐形标记并回访的方式,暗访了纽约的9家酒店。调查结果显示,有3家酒店在客人退房后没有更换床单,其中包括五星级酒店中非常有名的万豪酒店,当时的报道显示:

An Inside Edition investigation found that some hotels did not change bed sheets between guests.

Inside Edition栏目经调查发现,部分酒店在客人退房之后,没有更换床单。

At a Residence Inn by Marriott in New York City, Inside Edition used a harmless washable fluorescent paint to spray "I slept here" on the bottom sheet of the bed.

在纽约的一家万豪酒店中,Inside Edition使用了一种无害、可以洗掉的荧光颜料在床单底部喷洒出“我睡过这张床”字样。

The paint is not visible to the naked eye. It can only be seen when a UV light is shined on the sheets.


We checked out — leaving the bed looking as though it had been slept in — and booked the same room for the following night under a different name. When the sheets were pulled back and a UV light was shined on the bed, the words "I slept here" were still there.


"This is absolutely disgusting," said Inside Edition's Ann Mercogliano.

Inside Edition栏目组成员Ann Mercogliano表示,“这简直太恶心了。”

A manager was called to the room. At first, she didn't want to talk about the findings.


"Why weren't those sheets changed?" Mercogliano asked her.


"We make it a custom to change every checked out room sheet," she responded. "However I do not know what happened in this situation."


The Marriott Corporation apologized and said it takes these issues very seriously. They are now inspecting the room to ensure this does not occur again, they said.


▲Via in






If you can’t go a day without your morning coffee on holiday, we’ve got bad news for you.


Instead of providing you with a taste of home, the kettle in your hotel room could be leaving you with a mouthful of someone else’s dirty underwear.


That’s right, cleaning your grubby pants in hotel kettles is a thing, apparently.


The abominable habit shot onto our radars after a Twitter user asked others whether they had tried it. The man said he’d heard about the practice from a friend.


Understandably, people on Twitter seemed to be as grossed out as us.


In case there was any doubt, Dr Heather Hendrickson, a senior lecturer in Molecular Biosciences at Massey University in Aukland, has confirmed that boiling your underwear in a kettle is a bad idea.

奥克兰梅西大学分子生物科学高级讲师Heather Hendrickson博士证实,使用酒店的烧水壶煮内裤绝不是个好主意。

Speaking to Gizmodo, she explained that while boiling kills most germs, it doesn’t kill all microorganisms. This is because some bacteria form spores – such as clostidium botulinum spores – that are are resistant to heat below 120 degrees celsius.


“These don’t cause sickness if they are consumed, but their presence in certain environments can encourage them to produce a toxin that can be deadly,” she said.

Heather Hendrickson博士提到,“食用这些微生物并不会让人生病,但是如果这些微生物出现在特定的环境中,它们就可能会产生致命的毒素。”

Photos: me

Thankfully, boiling water contaminated with bacterial pathogens is likely to reduce any nastiness to low levels that are unlikely to seriously damage health.


But Dr Hendrickson still maintained that using a hotel kettle is “super, super, super, super gross”.

但是Heather Hendrickson博士依然表示,用酒店的烧水壶煮内裤是一种“粗野至极”的行为。

“Who knows how long that water, with nutrients that have been introduced and then sterilised, sits around in the kettle before someone else uses it?” she said.


Well, that’s ruined hotel tea for all of us.


▲Via The Huff Post UK

整条新闻最初的来源是“一个朋友”,所以其真实性未必可靠,中国社交媒体上也曾经流传过类似的说法,但是哪怕这种事情有千万分之一的可能性… 想想就喝不下这杯热水了。

据央视新闻报道,今日北京市卫生和计划生育监督所对抽检卫生检测指标不符合国家卫生标准、未按照规定对顾客用品用具进行清洗、消毒、保洁的快捷酒店,进行了责令整改,并对其中 46 家单位作出了行政处罚,其中罚款 35 家,拟罚款 6.9 万元。

北京市旅游委官方微博 @北京市旅游发展委员会 今日也发布消息称,对网传关于北京5家五星级酒店不换床单不擦马桶的报道高度重视,已经开始约谈涉事的5家酒店。


来源:Inside Edition,蓝莓评测,《新京报》,《赫芬邮报》英国版 / 图片除标注外均来自网络
