
宝马F020 F80 F82刷子隐藏参数实战魔法武器继续6

Enable Video Files from USB

3000=" ent _ codec _ xvid set to : aktiv

3000=" ent _ codec _ xvcd set to : aktiv

3000=" ent _ codec _ ogg set to : Akt iv

DVD in Motion activated:

3000=" speed lock _ x _ kmh _ maxwerte=ff

3000=" speed lock _ x _ kmh _ minwerte=ff

3000=" video _ hand brake set to : nicht _ aktiv

3000=" video _ front _ locked set to : nicht _ aktiv

3000=" video _ speed lock _ condition set to : none=00 "

Remove Legal Disclaimers:

3001=" legal _ disclaimer _ time set to : kein _ LD

3001=" macro _ cam _ legal disclaimer set to : kein _ LD

display tire pressure temperaure in vehicle info 3360

3001=" RDC _ safety set to : aktiv 01

add weather band radio to sources :

3002=" radio _ weather band set to : aktiv 01

