The word "staycation" is a portmanteau word [pɔːtˈmæntəʊ wɜːd] of stay (meaning stay-at-home) and vacation. portmanteau word 的意思是缩合词,合并词, 是由一个词的词首和另一个词的词尾合成的。

“Staycation”,结合了“stay”和“vacation” 的优点, 简称"宅度假",指在家或者家的附近进行休息或者休闲活动。 在今年由于疫情原因和收入普遍下降的大环境下,不少人选择了这种安静又不拥挤的staycationing的休假方式。

此外,"宅度假" 也可以称作holistay, a portmanteau word of "holiday" and "stay."

Staycations are likely to avoid some of the stress associated with travel, such as jet lag, packing, long drives, or waits at airports. 宅度假可能会避免一些与旅行相关的压力,比如时差、打包、长途驾驶或在机场等候等。

If you can't afford a vacation, why not take a staycation? 如果负担不起出去度假,何不在家度假?

In 2020, staycations became popular due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 在2020年,由于COVID-19大流行,宅度假变得流行起来。我曾看到媒体上有这样的呼吁:“explore your own backyard like never before and support our local communities along the way.” 朋友圈里也有不少人晒照片,他们在自家后院搭起帐篷,支起BBQ,再放几把沙滩椅(beach chairs)或者草坪椅(lawn chairs)等,开启staycation的度假方式。


outbound travel/tourism 出境游 (从自己的国家到别的国家旅游, visit another country)

inbound travel/tourism 入境游 (从其它国家到你的国家旅游, visit your country from another country)

domestic trips/tourism/travel 国内游,省内游,当地游

朋友们更喜欢哪种travel 方式?

going on a road trip 自驾游

having a group tour 跟团游

going backpacking 背包自由行


