#某某和养成记-朱卡挑战# 1404日:姚丽浩,英语游经第1404天英语超级写作奶妈,3.8年双语日记为女儿生活截止篇:第20卷中英合计:97.6万字英语39.1万字, 中文58.5万字 云儿日记1404年)2021年10月17日(日)a diary for but its sting was some what dented by the warmth of the sun . We snacked by a table,With the lake steps away and the hills in the backdrop putting us in a
ime to ogle them while other mobile phone- or camera-holding visitors were zooming in on them.
"It's a long way to go," I said when we were halfway through the footslogging over the blue gem. We sat down for a brief snuggle on a small wooden platform branching off from the jetty. I even lay sprawled. Overhead was the burning sun still edging its way across a perfect azure sky. High stalks topped by furry ears stuck out from the water and clumped together, with small waves rippling gently around.
Less than 4 years old, I walked the entire length of the jetty in two hours, all by myself. That was a slog of over 3 kilometers. I'm a stoical walker, which mummy and daddy have spoken of in glowing terms many times. During the walk, I nagged daddy about a buggy ride. After the jetty walk, I did get one. It was the first time I was truly behind the wheel. Our green buggy drifted, casting a dancing shadow on the plants and trees on the right that scattered the slanting shards of sunlight from the western sky.
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