文章《英语世界》 2020第二期选择


1.Six Chapters of A Floating Life(每林语翻译)

2.six records of a floating life(translated by Leonard Pratt and Chiang su-hui)

3.chapters from a floating life(translated by Shirley m . black)

《阅读与讨论》文字中文取自《浮生六记》(朱古籍出版社,郑州,2010)。英语翻译摘自译本3Chapters from a Floating Life。

讨论《浮生六记》阅读译文Chapters from a Floating Life,阅读原文,了解干隆组普通文人的家庭生活、夫妻的爱情和不幸以及他们的艺术审美情趣。我们惊叹于心腹顾问的修养好。他的文章无论是《闺房记乐》还是《坎坷记愁》都令人感动和同情。关于译文,译者在译文《前言》中有叙述。

In translating The memoirs I have tried first of all to recreate The subtle emotional atmosphere,at once tragic,passionate and gay,whh


第一,tried.to recreate the subtle emotional atmosphere;

二、tried to be as meticulous as I could in expressing the exact meaning of the Chinese words;

三、trying to approximate the feeling of the author ' s own way of expressing himself。



中国古典文学作品,包括现代现代文学作品,有很多叙述和描写的词汇,可能习惯上不叫“术语”,但也适用他们的翻译、宇文安的“解说”思想。Shirley M. Black在翻译《浮生六记》时似乎是这样做的。阅读时请注意。



“仰望上帝”一词是这样翻译的:her glance sparkled with intelligence and humour.



霍克斯翻译:large、expressive ey

es shot out glances that sparkled with animation.





【译文】I was born in 1763, at a time of peace and unusual prosperity, in the reign of the Emperor Ch’ien Lung, on the twenty-second day of the eleventh month, in the winter of the year of the sheep. Mine was a full-dress family, one of scholars and gentle-people, who lived near the gardens of the Ts’ang-lang Pavilion, in the city of Soochow.

The gods, I should say, have always been more than generous to me; but, as the poet Su Tung-p’o wrote:

‘Life is like a spring dream

which ends—and leaves no traces.’

By setting down this story of mine, then, I hope to show my gratitude for Heaven’s many favours. (p1)


1. 译文第一句语序的变化,译者为什么选择这样译;2“. 太平盛世”译法;3.“ 事如春梦了无痕”译文;4.“ 苟不记之笔墨,未免有辜彼苍之厚”将意义否定的句子译为肯定句。



【译文】The house was gay, on this ceremonious occasion, with the rainbow-hued new robes of the family and the wedding guests. Yuen alone, looked her quiet, simple self, having added nothing to her everyday dress but a pair of bright new shoes. When I had admired the artistry of their embroidery and learned that she had made the shoes herself, I began to understand that Yuen was extremely capable and practical; that reading, writing, and composing poetry were only a few of her many accomplishments. (p5)

【简评】译者运用想象,描写婚礼场景,“满室鲜衣”,译作家人和客人色彩鲜艳的新衣;gay(brightly colored) 和rainbow-hued(in different colors),是意义一致的两个形容词,意为“亮丽、多彩”;“芸独通体素淡”,译文“Yuen alone, looked her quiet, simple self”,不只指芸的穿着,更指她历来以“素淡”为美,意义深一层。“笔墨”,《现代汉语词典》中解释为“指文字或诗文书画等”,译者将其译作“reading, writing, and composing poetry”,很符合原文所指,且具体、确切,译文读者好懂。


注释:戴维·霍克斯(David Hawkes,1923—2009),著名汉学家,年轻时即翻译《楚辞》(The Songs of the South),其著作A Little Primer of Tu Fu是颇具权威且广为人知的唐诗翻译作品,而他的译作The Story of the Stone(《红楼梦》)更是身为翻译家的非凡成就,为了全心致力于此翻译计划,他于1971 年辞去牛津大学中文系系主任一职。
